Early Career Research Award Talk

Templeton, A. (2022, 6 September). Using social psychological theory and methods to inform models of collective behaviour for crowd management. [BPS SPS Early Career Research Award talk]. BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. Social Psychology Section Annual Conference 2022 - The British Psychological Society (bps.org.uk) 

Keynote presentations

Templeton, A. (2023, November 16). How and why the public responds in emergencies: A behavioural science approach. Women Talking Fire Conference, Leeds. The slides can be accessed here.

Templeton, A. (2022, February). The (mis)use of controversial terminologies in evacuation research. Paper given at the International Association for Fire Safety Science: Human Behaviour in Fires Working Group, online. The talk can be watched here

Templeton, A., (2021, November). Bringing together knowledge from social psychology and pedestrian modelling: moving towards evidence-based models of collective behaviour. Paper given at the 2021 Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics conference, Australia. The talk can be watched here

Templeton, A. (2019, February). The case for including group relations in pedestrian models of contraflow. Paper given at Modelling and Calibration of Pedestrian Dynamics, Warwick.

Templeton, A. (2018, November). The role of social identity in group memberships. Paper presented at Social membership in the natural world, Paris.

Templeton, A. (2018, March). Crowd behaviour and emergency management. Paper given at Local Authority Building Control workshop, Manchester.

Templeton, A. (2018, February). Improving crowd resilience – using social identity to enhance detection and response to threats. Paper given at the Defence and Security Accelerator workshop, London.

Templeton, A. (2017, November). Understanding the crowd: The role of group identity in facilitating collective behaviour. Paper given at KCDC Olympics Symposium and Workshop, Seoul.

Templeton, A. (2017, October). Crowd psychology & behaviour: Placing social identity into computer models. Paper given at 3rd International Conference on Mass Gatherings Medicine Riyadh.

Invited Panellist

Communication and collaboration in a crisis. Royal Society Edinburgh Curious, August 17 2021.

Enhancing security culture at publicly accessible locations. Security & Policing Home Office Event. March 10 2021.

Interviews & Media

Templeton, A., Nash, C. (2023, September 11). ‘High-rise fire safety: A study into the information residents receive’. HQN Podcasts. The podcast can be accessed here: High-rise fire safety: A study into the information residents receive - HQN Podcasts | Podcast on Spotify

Templeton, A. (2022, November 25). ‘How do we behave in crowds?’ BBC World Service – Crowd Science podcast. The podcast can be accessed here: BBC World Service - CrowdScience, How do we behave in crowds?

Templeton, A. (2022, 31 August). Using social psychology to understand evacuee behaviour. Presented to FireCo. The webinar can be accessed here (requires registration)

Templeton, A. (2022, May 25). More realism in evacuation modelling with Anne Templeton. Podcast for the Fire Science Show. Listen to the podcast here.

Invited Talks

Templeton, A. (2024, March 21). Collective behaviour in emergencies: Examining the evidence. Talk given at an event entitled Large-scale evacuations: “The role and expectations of citizens”, hosted by the National Crisis Center (Belgium) as part of the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Templeton, A. (2024, March 19). A social psychology perspective on fire safety. Talk given at a Workshop entitled Multi-disciplinary wildfire safety research: learning from each other, at the University of Lund

Templeton, A. (2024, January 19). Understanding public response to first responder instructions during evacuations. Talk given at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Templeton, A. (2023, November 14). Knowledge exchange and impact in crowd psychology. Talk to an MSc course, Heriot-Watt University.

Templeton, A. (2023, August 09). Simulating the impact of first responder communication strategies on citizen adherence in emergencies. Presentation to the Cabinet Office. The slides can be accessed here.

Templeton, A. (2023, July 19). Simulating the impact of first responder communication strategies on citizen adherence in emergencies. Presentation to the Communities Prepared National Group. The slides can be accessed here.

Templeton, A., (2023, June 19). Obstacles and avenues to coordination between the emergency services and public. Turkish Psychological Association. Turkey

Templeton, A., Shepherd, L., Wiseman-Gregg, K., Smith, K., Addison, C., Skelton, J., Stanley, E., Clegg, G, & Hlubek N. (2022, June). Developing communication approaches to facilitate staff uptake in infection prevention activities. Presented at the Infection Prevention Control Scotland conference, Glasgow.

Templeton, A. (2022, May). Evacuation behaviour in psychological crowds. Paper presented to the CATA research group in the Université Clermont Auvergne and the Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et Cognitive, Paris.

Templeton, A., Jurstakova, K., Smith, K., Ulusahin, Y., Martinez, N., Mao, G., Dang Guay, J., Ellis, O., & Drury, J. (2021, October). Factors associated with attendee self-reported adherence to COVID-19 guidance during Phase 1 of the 2021 DCMS ERP​​. Paper given at the UK Department of Health and Social Care, online.

Wijermans, N., & Templeton, A. (2020, October). SIA-PED: Social identity approach in PEDestrian modelling. Paper given at the SIAM Workshop 2, online.

Templeton, A., Smith, K, Dang Guay, J. (2020, October). Returning to UK sporting events during COVID-19: Spectator experiences at pilot events. Paper presented at Sports Grounds Safety Authority Panel, online.

Templeton, A. (2018, November). Incorporating behavioural signatures of psychological crowds into a computer model of crowd behaviour. Paper presented at the Physics and Psychology of Human Crowd Dynamics workshop, Leiden.


Templeton, A. (2024, March 21). Effective communication with the public in wildfire evacuations. Workshop at an event entitled Large-scale evacuations: “The role and expectations of citizens”, hosted by the National Crisis Center (Belgium) as part of the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Conference presentations

Alhajri, W., & Templeton, A. (2023, July 2). Beyond a simulation of judgment day: Exploring pilgrims' experiences of shared identity, social norms, risk perceptions and risk-taking at the Hajj. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland

Smith, K., Templeton, A., & Drury, J. (2023, July 2). Social identity processes associated with perceived risk at UK pilot sporting events during COVID-19. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland

Hinata, S., Templeton, A. & Rhodes, H. (2023, July 1). Interactions between the public and emergency services/government agencies in disasters: A systematic review. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. 

Templeton, A. (2023, July 1). ‘This is what I need you to do’: First responders’ preferences and boundaries on communicating and coordinating with the public in emergencies. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. The slides can be accessed here.

Vo, S., Radke, H., & Templeton, A. (2023, July 1). Developing a Typology of Public Support for Social Movements: A Systematic Review of the Psychological Literature. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. 

Telga, M., Neville, F., Ronchi, E., Templeton, A., & Reicher S. (2023, July 1). Shared social identity and situational cues predict social influence in mass evacuation virtual reality experiments. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. 

Telga, M., Ronchi, E., Templeton, A., Neville, F., Reicher, S., & Drury, J. (2023, June 29). Understanding crowd responses to perceived hostile threats: An innovative multidisciplinary approach. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands. 

Templeton, A. (2023, June 29). Social behaviour and communication in evacuations: A systematic review. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands. The slides can be accessed here.

Amos, M., Gwynne, S., & Templeton, A. (2023, June 28). A dynamic state-based model of crowds. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands.  

Spearpoint, M., Arnott, M., Xie, H., Gwynne, S., & Templeton, A. (2023, June 28). Comparative analysis of two evacuation simulation tools when applied to high-rise residential buildings. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands. 

Arnott, M., Spearpoint, M., Gwynne, S., & Templeton, A. (2022, 13 September). Counterflow in computational evacuation modelling – the hydraulic model, modelling tools and trials. Presentation given at Fire and Evacuation Modelling Technical Conference

Gwynne, S., Spearpoint, M., Templeton, A., Arnott, M., Xie, H., Nash, C., & Ramsden, M. (2022, 13 September). Assessing the impact of changes to guidance on evacuation from fire in multi-occupancy high-rise residential buildings. Presentation given at Fire and Evacuation Modelling Technical Conference  

Telga, M., Neville, F., Templeton, A., Arias, S., Ronchi, E., Wahlqvist, J., Atkinson, M., & Reicher, S. (2022, 7 September). Emerging shared social identity and social influence in collective responses to perceived threats. In F. Neville (Chair), Perceived threats and 'stampedes': A new approach to collective fear responses. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Jurstakova K., Ulusahin, Y., Martinez, N., Drury, J., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 6). Working together with the group: A mixed-methods study of the adherence to COVID-19 safety measures as a process between the event organisers and participants. In A. Templeton (Chair), The role of group processes on attendee perceptions and behaviour at crowd events during Covid-19. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Smith, K., Templeton, A., & Drury, J. (2022, September 6). A multi-event survey exploring the social identity processes associated with perceived risk at early pilot sporting events during Covid-19. In A. Templeton (Chair), The role of group processes on attendee perceptions and behaviour at crowd events during Covid-19. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Martinez, N., Mao, G., Jurstakova, K., Drury, J., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 6). Supporting the group: How care for ingroup members and social norms impacted adherence to Covid-19 measures during the Events Research Programme. An interview study. In A. Templeton (Chair), The role of group processes on attendee perceptions and behaviour at crowd events during Covid-19. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Templeton, A., Nash, C., Spearpoint, M., & Gwynne, S. (2022, September 6). The relationship between residents' adherence to fire safety guidance and their trust in the guidance and its creators. Social identity processes in response to fire incidents in high-rise residential buildings. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Nash, C., Gwynne, S., Spearpoint, M., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 6). "We're the friendly fire services, aren't we?": The importance of working on behalf of the group to facilitate emergency response. In A. Templeton (Chair), Social identity processes in response to fire incidents in high-rise residential buildings. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Lewis, L., Li, L., Nash, C., Gwynne, S., Spearpoint, M., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 6). Collective self-organisation in response to fire incidents in UK high-rise residential buildings. In A. Templeton (Chair), Social identity processes in response to fire incidents in high-rise residential buildings. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Wiseman-Gregg, K., Smith, K., Stanley, E., Skelton, J., Addison, C., Clegg, G., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 6). The importance of clear, consistent, and inclusive communication on group relations in healthcare settings during COVID-19. In A. Templeton (Chair), Insights from hospital workers on leadership, perceived risk, and communication approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Smith, K., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 5). Group relations with leadership and adherence to COVID-19 measures in hospital settings. In A. Templeton (Chair), Insights from hospital workers on leadership, perceived risk, and communication approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Hlubek, N., & Templeton, A. (2022, September 5). Social identity processes in hospital workers' risk perception and adherence to safety guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic. In A. Templeton (Chair), Insights from hospital workers on leadership, perceived risk, and communication approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic. Symposium presentation given at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Alhajri, W. & Templeton, A. (2022, September 5). Social Norms and Risks at Mass Gatherings: A Systematic Review. Presented at BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK. 

Templeton, A. (2022, May) Simulating the impact of first responder communication strategies on citizen adherence in emergencies. TED talk given at EMS2022, Glasgow.

Lewis, L., Templeton, A., & Nash, C. (2022, April). Helping or hindering? The role of group processes in aiding or delaying high-rise evacuations. Paper presented at the BPS Scotland Student undergraduate conference, Glasgow.

Poster presentations

Hinata, S., & Templeton, A. (2022, 7 September). Interactions between the public and emergency services in disasters: A systematic review. BPS Social Psychology Section 2022 Annual Conference, London, UK.